Premier 525 1 Gal. Mobile Home Aluminum Roof Coating


  • $27.99
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Specially formulated for use on mobile home roofs. Reflects suns heat, reduces interior temperatures in summer. Keeps winter warmth inside. Forms a tough, reflective surface that repairs as it protects. May be used on prepared roll roofing, weathered galvanized iron, tin, and cinderblock. Seals hairline cracks and pinholes to increase the water resistance of the roof. Coverage is approximately 50 to 75 Sq. Ft. per Gal. depending on texture and porosity of surface. Mix thoroughly before and during use. Apply to a dry surface. Application to a damp surface will cause this product to appear brown. Apply with a roof brush, paint brush, or long-nap roller. Spread in 1 direction only. Over brushing will interfere with the leafing action of the aluminum. Limited 12 month warranty.

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